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Report rejected

This page contains information of common reasons for rejected reports.

When you submit a report on the GoAML website, it is validated based on a number of requirements. If the report does not meet the requirements for content, the report is rejected. To edit the report again, it must be sent to DRAFTED REPORTS.


You can do this by locating the report under SUBMITTED REPORTS. Then press on Rejected.


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This will open a box where you can read the reason as to why the report was rejected. At the bottom of the box, you can press Revert, which sends the report to DRAFTED REPORTS, where it can be edited again.


Report rejected GoAML


You can edit and submit the report by going to DRAFTED REPORTS. The report can be edited for 30 days, after which it will be archived without being submitted.


Report rejected GoAML

Common reasons for report rejection

If a Suspicious Transaction Report (STR) is rejected with the error "MyClient", it means that neither party is marked as being the reporting entity’s client in a transaction. It is a validation requirement that at least 1 of the parties in a transaction, either To or From is marked as being the reporting entity’s ’client’.


If neither party to a transaction is the reporting entity’s customer, the reporting entity must report the transaction as a Suspicious Action Report (SAR) instead.


The reporting entity can correct the error in the draft report by selecting Transactions and deleting the party in a transaction who should be the reporting entity’s customer. A party is deleted by pressing the trashcan icon in the right corner of the form for a party.


Report rejected GoAML

After this, the party must be added again, but with a button marked with MyClient.


Report rejected GoAML

The party is then marked as MyClient in the form. 


Report rejected GoAML

If a report is rejected with the error "To get a fulfilling image of the underlying cries related to reports, indicators are mandatory when submitting", this means that the report does not contain indicators of money laundering. It is a requirement that a report contains at least 1 indicator.


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The reporting entity can correct the error in the draft form by selecting Indicators* and selecting at least 1 indicator for suspicion of money laundering. If none of the indicators apply to the grounds for suspicion, the reporting entity can select the indicator O01 - Other


Report rejected GoAML

If a report is rejected with the error "The reason for suspicion can not be blank" or ’Mistankegrundlag skal være over 100 tegn’, it means that the field for grounds for suspicion does not contain enough information. It is a requirement that a report contains a basis for suspicion of money laundering of at least 100 characters.


Report rejected GoAML


The reporting entity can correct the error in the draft report by filling in the Reason of Suspicion field with more characters. The reason for suspicion must contain why the reporting entity believes the information provided forms a basis for suspicion.


Report rejected GoAML