Spring til hovedindhold


User rights and management

Each role defines specific permissions for GoAML. These roles are assigned to user accounts and thus define the users' permissions.

The GoAML administrator of the organization can see an overview of all the users associated with the organization under ADMIN Active users from the menu.


GoAML user mangement


Here the administrator can see the information about the organization's users by pressing GoAML aktive brugere øje ikon and also edit a user's details by pressing GoAML aktive brugere redigere ikon. In addition, the administrator can also disable users by pressing GoAML aktive brugere deaktivere ikon. Password reset and two-factor authentication for users can be done by pressing GoAML aktive brugere nulstille ikon



Frequently asked questions about user rights and management

The organization must approve new users themselves, under ADMINUser Request Management.


GoAML user mangement

Here, under Request Status, the administrator can press ’Waiting for RE Admin to Verify’, after which a form with all the information the user has entered is visible.


GoAML user mangement

If the information appears valid and the user belongs to the organization, the administrator can press "Finalize". The user will then be able to log in to the GoAML website.


GoAML user mangement

If an organization no longer has a registered administrator employed, they lose access to GoAML and the authorization of new users. The organization must therefore contact FIU Denmark at fiu@politi.dk from an official e-mail address for the organization.


The organization must avoid losing access to administration of GoAML by always having a minimum of 2 employed administrators. Administration rights are assigned to the organization's users in GoAML.


If you are an administrator for an organization, you can manage rights by going to: ADMINUser role management in the GoAML menu.


GoAML user mangement

Users with the RE Admin role have rights to administer the organization, as well as to assign administrative rights to other users in the organization.


GoAML user mangement


If an organization no longer has access to the email address registered to their GoAML account, they cannot receive two factor verification codes, and therefore lose access to GoAML. The organization must therefore contact FIU Denmark at fiu@politi.dk from an official e-mail address for the organization.


The organization must avoid losing access to GoAML administration by always keeping their registered email addresses current. This applies to both the organization and its users, in that changes in the organization's internal e-mail addresses are often the responsibility of all users.


If you are an administrator for an organization, you can change the organization's e-mail address by going to: MY GOAMLMy Org Details information in the GoAML menu. 


GoAML user mangement


If you are a user but not an administrator, you can change your registered e-mail address by going to: MY GOAMLMy User Details in the GoAML menu.


GoAML user mangement