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Danish National Police

Danish National Police is the highest authority within the Danish police.

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rigspoliti January 28

RT @OjylPoliti: En lang række skoler og uddannelsesinstitutioner fordelt over hele landet har i dag modtaget en eller flere mails med trusl…

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rigspoliti January 28

Flere politikredse har denne tirsdag morgen modtaget flere anmeldelser fra især skoler og uddannelsesinstitutioner, som cirka klokken 08.00 har modtaget en e-mail med indhold, der kan opfattes truende. Politiet er i færd med at undersøge situationen. Politiet opfordrer på…

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rigspoliti January 14

RT @Europol: 🏆 And the winners of the 2024 law enforcement photo competition are out! Congratulations to Sergio Chicharro @policia, Connie…

News from Danish National Police

26 October 2020

Danish National Police

New requirements for persons from high risk countries

Persons resident in high-risk countries who have a worthy purpose of entering Denmark, including employees, must now present proof of a negative COVID-19 test.

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Danish National Police

Polititorvet 14
1780 Copenhagen V
EAN number:5798000081819