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Western Copenhagen Police

Western Copenhagen Police serves Albertslund, Ballerup, Brøndby, Glostrup, Gladsaxe, Herlev, Hvidovre, Høje-Taastrup, Ishøj, Rødovre and Vallensbæk municipalities.

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Vestegnens Politi

vestegnspoliti 2h

RT @VestegnAnklager: 28-årig mand varetægtsfængslet i 4 uger. Han er mistænkt for at have forsøgt at fravriste tjenestepistolen fra en poli…

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Vestegnens Politi

vestegnspoliti March 6

Anholdt i går og dømt i dag #politidk

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Vestegnens Politi

vestegnspoliti March 4

Vi er til færdselsuheld på landlystvej 47 i Hvidovre, hvor yngre bilist mistede herredømmet over sin bil og påkørte et hus - Ingen personskade ifb. med uheldet #politidk

News from Western Copenhagen Police

4 August 2022

Western Copenhagen Police

The police introduce a tougher penalty zone around Brøndby Stadium

In order to prevent violence, vandalism and disturbances at a football match on Thursday, Western Copenhagen Police are introducing a tougher penalty zone in the area around Brøndby Stadium. The penalty zone applies from Thursday 4 August 10am to Friday 5 August 2022 4am and means that the penalty can double for certain types of crime committed in the zone.

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Western Copenhagen Police

Birkelundsvej 2
DK-2620 Albertslund
EAN number:5798000081222