Spring til hovedindhold


Københavns Politi


4. marts 2022 11:38

Warning: Criminals use cunning ploy to order goods by using job seekers’ personal information

Copenhagen Police warn citizens against sending social security numbers and addresses to strangers – criminals use the information to order clothes online using invoice payment. Then they resell it for profit.

Cunning criminals have introduced a new scheme. First, they post lucrative job opportunities in groups on social media. People who show interest are asked to send an email containing their personal information such as social security number (cpr-number) and address. 

The job does not exist, but now, the criminals have something to work with. They use the information to order items such as clothes – often high-end brands – online using invoice payment – so there is no payment upfront when placing the order. The goods are delivered at a package shop, where they will collect them. The invoice goes into the trash and the goods are resold.


»The victims of this fraud will often not realize that they have been exploited before the reminders of lacking payment start coming in or when the missing payment have been sent to a debt collector,« says the head of Economic Crime Investigation with Copenhagen Police, Deputy Chief Superintendent Peter Reisz.


Lately, Copenhagen Police have received a number of reports of cases as described above, and Peter Reisz urges everyone to be mindful and not share information such as social security numbers with strangers via i.e. social media. 

»It appears to be organized and we are currently receiving quite a few reports from people who suddenly discover that they are subject of debt collection cases from clothes that they have never received. Many of the victims are students who are looking for part time work and have sent their information in good faith as part of their job search to what turns out to be criminals. I encourage everyone to share this warning within their networks, so we can put a stop to this cunning scheme,« says Peter Reisz. 

To the media: For more information and interviews, Peter Reisz can be contacted on +45 5121 2986. 



Telefon: 35219260

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