Spring til hovedindhold


Københavns Politi


9. januar 2024 13:18

Important information about the events on 14 January (succession of the throne)

Some important points of attention from Copenhagen Police in relation to the succession of the throne in Copenhagen on 14 January.

When Her Majesty Queen Margrethe steps down as Queen of Denmark on 14 January and entrusts the throne to His Royal Highness Crown Prince Frederik, we expect a great number of people in Copenhagen to participate in this historic event.


The Royal House has announced the programme and route


”We expect that a very large number of people will take to the streets of Copenhagen to participate in the celebration, and consequently, we will be present in large numbers to ensure that everyone can focus on the historic event. However, we need help from the public,” says Copenhagen Police deputy commander Peter Dahl.


Specifically, Copenhagen Police ask the public to be aware of the following factors before and during the event on 14 January:


Traffic challenges

The traffic in the Kgs. Nytorv Square area will be affected from Tuesday 9 January, mainly because the Danish broadcasters DR and TV 2 stage a big tribute concert for Her Majesty Queen Margrethe on the evening of Friday 12 January. The City of Copenhagen has issued information on how this will affect traffic.


During the weekend, and especially on 14 January, parts of the Inner City will be inaccessible by car, so make sure you plan your trip.


Follow Copenhagen Police on Xtraffic information from the City of Copenhagen and The Danish Road Directorate.  


Parking ban

On 14 January, stopping and parking along the carriage/car route from Amalienborg Castle to Christiansborg Castle will be prohibited. Detailed signs will be put up along the route.


Copenhagen Police kindly ask people not to bring bicycles onto Christiansborg Islet, and that bicycles – especially cargo bikes – are not parked along the route and in and around Christiansborg Square.


Use public transportation and walk around the city

Due to the large amount of people that is expected to take part in the event, we recommend everybody to arrive in good time and to use public transportation or arrive by foot.


If, for example, Christiansborg Square is filled with people, it may be necessary to close for access to the square. See more on restrictions for pedestrians below:



Follow Rejseplanen for changes in public transportation.


Drone restrictions

For safety reasons, there will be restrictions on flying drones along the route and in Christiansborg Square all day on 14 January. More information on rules and legislation for drones in Denmark


Show consideration and take care of each other

Copenhagen Police cannot give an estimate of how many people will be in the streets of Copenhagen during the succession of the throne. However, we predict that the streets will be very crowded.


“We hope that everybody will contribute to a festive atmosphere and show consideration to one another,” says Peter Dahl.



Telefon: 35219260

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