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Københavns Politi


30. september 2022 20:46

Investigation of the gas leaks in the Baltic Sea

Following the gas leaks in the Baltic Sea, the Copenhagen Police has initiated an investigation of the events. The investigation is conducted in close collaboration with relevant authorities, including The Danish National Police, The Danish Security and Intelligence Service and the energy authorities. It is also the intention to set up a Joint Investigation Team (JIT) with representatives from among others Danish, German and Swedish police authorities.

Following the gas leaks in the Baltic Sea, the Copenhagen Police has initiated an investigation of the events. The investigation is conducted in close collaboration with relevant authorities, including The Danish National Police, The Danish Security and Intelligence Service and the energy authorities. The Copenhagen Police has requested assistance from the the Danish Defence in order to inspect the crime scene in the Baltic Sea.

Moreover, the Danish Police is in close contact with relevant foreign authorities concerning the case. As a next step, it is the intention to set up a Joint Investigation Team (JIT) with representatives from among others Danish, German and Swedish police authorities.

When establishing a JIT, the participating countries are able to share information and evidence directly without letters rogatory. Moreover, a JIT enables the participating countries to request foreign authorities to perform investigative measures.

The Danish Police expects the JIT to be established soon, but it is still too early to state a date. An agreement to establish a JIT include i.a. guidelines for the co-ordination of the investigation and sharing of information. Until a JIT has been established, there will be a close cooperation with relevant foreign authorities, including Swedish and German authorities, on the basis of the general rules concerning international cooperation on investigations.


About Joint Investigation Teams (JIT)

A Joint Investigation Team (JIT) is a team of judicial and law enforcement authorities which cooperate on international criminal investigations, based on a legal agreement between two or more countries. An establishment of a JIT involves Europol and Eurojust.


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21. februar 2025

Københavns Politi

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Københavns Politi

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