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Københavns Politi


26. februar 2024 10:02

The joint investigation conducted by the Copenhagen Police and the Danish Security and Intelligence Services (PET) into the Nord Stream explosions has been concluded

There is not sufficient grounds to pursue a criminal case in Denmark in connection with the explosions of Nord Stream 1 and 2, and therefore the Copenhagen Police has decided to conclude the criminal investigation of the explosions.

The Copenhagen Police, in collaboration with PET, has conducted the investigation into the explosions in September 2022 of the gas pipelines Nord Stream 1 and 2, which occurred outside Danish territorial waters.


Throughout the investigation, the Danish authorities have cooperated with relevant foreign partners. 


The investigation conducted has been both complex and comprehensive.


The investigation has led the authorities to conclude that there was deliberate sabotage of the gas pipelines. However, the assessment is that there is not the sufficient grounds to pursue a criminal case in Denmark.


Therefore, the Copenhagen Police has decided to conclude the criminal investigation of the explosions.


PET continues to follow developments in the threat landscape and initiates – together with other relevant authorities – the measures deemed necessary to protect Denmark’s critical infrastructure.


Copenhagen Police is not able to provide further comments and will not be available for interviews about the investigation.


Telefon: 35219260

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